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What does it take to solarise your home?

Not too much. And the benefits are many in the long term. 

Karnataka has one of the most progressive policies on solar energy in India. The state is a leader in renewable energy with 63% of energy coming from renewable sources. Which include solar and wind power. 


In Karnataka, Bengaluru takes the number 1 spot for solar installations. Some prominent examples of solar rooftop installations in the city include Bangalore International Airport (BIAL), Bangalore university and Chinnaswamy cricket stadium. 


A survey conducted by BESCOM last year revealed that rooftop of 1.4 lakh buildings have the potential to generate 2.4GW of solar power. 


SRTPV ( solar rooftop Photovoltaic) Installation is a sustainable solution to get around massive electricity bills. SRTPV, a system set up on your rooftop, generates electricity from solar power. 

-The one time cost for SRTPV installation is Rs 54,000 per KW System

-An average 3KW system would be enough to power most independent houses in ideal conditions. For bigger houses, apartments, office spaces and business complexes an assessment would be required 


When you go solar with SRTPV you are benefiting in the long term. The cost of the equipment would recover in around 5 years and then all the electricity generated would be free for your consumption. Excess electricity can be sold to BESCOM via the net metering scheme. 


Why this is important 

The SRTPV system that is set up in your home is renewable, free of pollutants and emissions.The overall greenhouse gas emissions involved in solar energy are  lower compared to coal or natural gas. 


If you are interested in reducing your carbon footprint along with your electricity bills, this petition is for you. Sign up to know your solar rooftop potential with the Cstep tool. Please use your Bescom Account ID while signing up.

What does it take to solarise your home?

Not too much. And the benefits are many in the long term. 

Karnataka has one of the most progressive policies on solar energy in India. The state is a leader in renewable energy with 63% of energy coming from renewable sources. Which include solar and wind power. 


In Karnataka, Bengaluru takes the number 1 spot for solar installations. Some prominent examples of solar rooftop installations in the city include Bangalore International Airport (BIAL), Bangalore university and Chinnaswamy cricket stadium. 


A survey conducted by BESCOM last year revealed that rooftop of 1.4 lakh buildings have the potential to generate 2.4GW of solar power. 


SRTPV ( solar rooftop Photovoltaic) Installation is a sustainable solution to get around massive electricity bills. SRTPV, a system set up on your rooftop, generates electricity from solar power. 

-The one time cost for SRTPV installation is Rs 54,000 per KW System

-An average 3KW system would be enough to power most independent houses in ideal conditions. For bigger houses, apartments, office spaces and business complexes an assessment would be required 


When you go solar with SRTPV you are benefiting in the long term. The cost of the equipment would recover in around 5 years and then all the electricity generated would be free for your consumption. Excess electricity can be sold to BESCOM via the net metering scheme. 


Why this is important 

The SRTPV system that is set up in your home is renewable, free of pollutants and emissions.The overall greenhouse gas emissions involved in solar energy are  lower compared to coal or natural gas. 


If you are interested in reducing your carbon footprint along with your electricity bills, this petition is for you. Sign up to know your solar rooftop potential with the Cstep tool. Please use your Bescom Account ID while signing up.

3,986 of 5,000 signatures


Access the crest tool below to know your roof top potential.Keep your Bescom ID handy