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In 2019 ~26,000 pedestrians were killed in road crashes - an 85% increase in 5 years!

Indians walk a lot. As per the 2011 Census, one-third of all work trips are by foot. And while women walk to work more than men, people walk less when urbanization increases. The National Statistics Office (NSO) states 60% of children walk to school.

But this mode has been ignored in policy, planning and implementation. Walking on the streets is neither easy nor safe - especially for children, women and senior citizens - which makes it an inconvenient, uncomfortable, unpleasant and consequently less preferred mode of locomotion.

In order to raise awareness about this issue, mobilize grassroots support through actions, garner media attention and thus create the political will to make Indian cities and towns walkable and safe for all. 

We want the Government of India to declare January 11 as National Pedestrians’ Day.

Let’s foster a culture of walking in society - a culture where pedestrians are respected and given their due.

In 2019 ~26,000 pedestrians were killed in road crashes - an 85% increase in 5 years!

Indians walk a lot. As per the 2011 Census, one-third of all work trips are by foot. And while women walk to work more than men, people walk less when urbanization increases. The National Statistics Office (NSO) states 60% of children walk to school.

But this mode has been ignored in policy, planning and implementation. Walking on the streets is neither easy nor safe - especially for children, women and senior citizens - which makes it an inconvenient, uncomfortable, unpleasant and consequently less preferred mode of locomotion.

In order to raise awareness about this issue, mobilize grassroots support through actions, garner media attention and thus create the political will to make Indian cities and towns walkable and safe for all. 

We want the Government of India to declare January 11 as National Pedestrians’ Day.

Let’s foster a culture of walking in society - a culture where pedestrians are respected and given their due.

1,201 of 2,000 signatures

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The team.