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Decision maker: Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot, Delhi Transport Corporation, Govt. of NCT of Delhi


  1. Install CCTVs and Panic buttons in all buses

  2. Induct more women drivers and women conductors to increaserepresentation of women and make public transport more accessible 

  3. Revive “women-only” bus services

  4. Ensure sufficient lighting in and around bus stops in addition to  enhancing safety protocols for bus stops in isolated areas

  5. Provision for washroom facilities at bus stops

  6. Increase the number of buses to cater to the population. Currently Delhi’s bus fleet consists of 7000 buses, but 18000 buses are required for the city’s 32 million people, according to reports.


In October 2019, when Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s government started free bus rides for the female passengers, there was joy, hope and cheer among city’s women. The ‘pink slips’ (tickets) symbolized more than just free rides for female passengers. The policy allowed women to seek employment opportunities further away from home without having to worry about transportation, while also saving on the cost of traveling. Additionally, the presence of marshalls in every bus also meant women passengers felt safer in their daily commute.

What’s the issue?

5 years on, a disappointing ground reality has emerged. The ‘pink slips’ that offered hope to female passengers have certain pitfalls… and safety remains a prominent concern.

Women passengers have shared experiences of discrimination along the lines of caste, class and gender while accessing the “transformative” scheme, as stated in a 2023 Greenpeace report titled ‘Halt for women bus users in Delhi’. 

Nearly 80% of the respondents confirmed that buses don’t halt for them at bus stops while 54% complained of facing harassment. Female passengers also cited the ‘freeloader’ treatment that is often meted out to them because of the scheme. 

Further, transwomen have also expressed concerns about not being able to purchase the pink slips since their gender is not recognised by the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) [1]. The scheme remains inaccessible to transwomen. 

These instances are a clear indication for the need for urgent action to ensure the safety and dignity of women using public transportation.

Why this matters

To foster womens active participation in the public domain and for a truly accessible, inclusive and safe commute, it is imperative that measures are taken to ensure passenger safety. Many women passengers are demanding the induction of more women drivers and conductors, as per the Greenpeace report. Not only will this  enhance safety and comfort for women travellers, it will also increase employment opportunities for women. Other recommendations include the demand for a mechanism to ensure that buses halt for all passengers, irrespective of their gender; and well-lit and well-equipped bus stops

If we rally together, the Delhi government will have to take notice and deliver on our demands. In the past, with the support of people like you, governments have been held accountable and have had to deliver on promises! 

Following the launch of Shakti scheme that allows free rides for women passengers in Karnataka, and Bengaluru citizens demanded more buses! When we showed the government that these demands had popular support, they promised to add 4000 buses to its bus fleet and hire 13,000 more employees to meet the rising demand!

By signing this petition, you will contribute to the collective call for safer, more accessible, and inclusive public transportation.

Together, we can create a city where every woman feels secure, empowered, and free to navigate Delhi with confidence. Sign this petition to demand a public transportation system that reflects the values of safety, equality, and progress.. 

Sign now for a safer and more inclusive journey for all.


[1]Decide on free bus tickets for transgenders in a month, HC tells Delhi government

Greenpeace “Halt for women users in Delhi” report 

Decision maker: Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot, Delhi Transport Corporation, Govt. of NCT of Delhi


  1. Install CCTVs and Panic buttons in all buses

  2. Induct more women drivers and women conductors to increaserepresentation of women and make public transport more accessible 

  3. Revive “women-only” bus services

  4. Ensure sufficient lighting in and around bus stops in addition to  enhancing safety protocols for bus stops in isolated areas

  5. Provision for washroom facilities at bus stops

  6. Increase the number of buses to cater to the population. Currently Delhi’s bus fleet consists of 7000 buses, but 18000 buses are required for the city’s 32 million people, according to reports.


In October 2019, when Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s government started free bus rides for the female passengers, there was joy, hope and cheer among city’s women. The ‘pink slips’ (tickets) symbolized more than just free rides for female passengers. The policy allowed women to seek employment opportunities further away from home without having to worry about transportation, while also saving on the cost of traveling. Additionally, the presence of marshalls in every bus also meant women passengers felt safer in their daily commute.

What’s the issue?

5 years on, a disappointing ground reality has emerged. The ‘pink slips’ that offered hope to female passengers have certain pitfalls… and safety remains a prominent concern.

Women passengers have shared experiences of discrimination along the lines of caste, class and gender while accessing the “transformative” scheme, as stated in a 2023 Greenpeace report titled ‘Halt for women bus users in Delhi’. 

Nearly 80% of the respondents confirmed that buses don’t halt for them at bus stops while 54% complained of facing harassment. Female passengers also cited the ‘freeloader’ treatment that is often meted out to them because of the scheme. 

Further, transwomen have also expressed concerns about not being able to purchase the pink slips since their gender is not recognised by the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) [1]. The scheme remains inaccessible to transwomen. 

These instances are a clear indication for the need for urgent action to ensure the safety and dignity of women using public transportation.

Why this matters

To foster womens active participation in the public domain and for a truly accessible, inclusive and safe commute, it is imperative that measures are taken to ensure passenger safety. Many women passengers are demanding the induction of more women drivers and conductors, as per the Greenpeace report. Not only will this  enhance safety and comfort for women travellers, it will also increase employment opportunities for women. Other recommendations include the demand for a mechanism to ensure that buses halt for all passengers, irrespective of their gender; and well-lit and well-equipped bus stops

If we rally together, the Delhi government will have to take notice and deliver on our demands. In the past, with the support of people like you, governments have been held accountable and have had to deliver on promises! 

Following the launch of Shakti scheme that allows free rides for women passengers in Karnataka, and Bengaluru citizens demanded more buses! When we showed the government that these demands had popular support, they promised to add 4000 buses to its bus fleet and hire 13,000 more employees to meet the rising demand!

By signing this petition, you will contribute to the collective call for safer, more accessible, and inclusive public transportation.

Together, we can create a city where every woman feels secure, empowered, and free to navigate Delhi with confidence. Sign this petition to demand a public transportation system that reflects the values of safety, equality, and progress.. 

Sign now for a safer and more inclusive journey for all.


[1]Decide on free bus tickets for transgenders in a month, HC tells Delhi government

Greenpeace “Halt for women users in Delhi” report 

138 of 200 signatures