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This monsoon, Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh witnessed a spate of catastrophic landslides that took the lives of tourists as well as local populace. Since then the local movement has gained momentum against relentless construction of hydropower projects that have contributed to and increased the disaster proneness of a region like Kinnaur.

The tribal inhabitants of Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh are demanding an immediate halt on hazardous hydropower dams in this fragile and over exploited region in the high Himalaya. This demand has also been echoed by the neighboring tribal trans-himalayan district of Lahaul & Spiti where a series of dam projects are proposed.  

The Problem:

The State of Himachal Pradesh has set up 10 large and 12 small hydropower projects amounting to an installed capacity of 3041 MW, along with 11 transmission lines in one of the most ecologically sensitive and geologically vulnerable regions of Himalaya, called Kinnaur. The unprecedented surface and underground construction has not just disturbed the rugged slopes but brought about irreversible land use changes in an earthquake and landslide prone zone, adversely impacting the lives and livelihood of the local Kinnaura indigenous community. 

The region has witnessed unprecedented deaths due to landslides and earthquakes. The houses and roads have developed cracks and are falling apart. A thriving local economy based on sale of apples and peas has been repeatedly disrupted due to frequent landslides choking the NH05. Underground springs are drying up and hundreds of hectares of diverse forests have been axed down for what is termed as production of 'clean energy'. These forests are not just sacred for the local people, with rare endangered flora and fauna, but are critical to maintain the ecological balance of a landscape which is arid, with sparse tree cover. 

What’s happening now?

The new spate of constructions are now planned in altitudes above 3000 metres going upto to the trans Himalayas, a region that is reeling under the impact of the climate crisis, with glacial melts, cloud bursts, avalanches and flash floods. More than 20 projects are in the pipeline even as 4 big hydro projects are still under construction. The fate of Kinnaur will be shared by the neighbouring trans Himalayan district of Lahaul-Spiti where more than 50 projects with a capacity of 3000 MW are planned on the Chenab River and its tributaries.

Now the tribal people are calling out this illegal and mindless destruction and saying #NoMeansNo. The gram sabhas of affected villages of proposed projects in Kinnaur have already passed resolutions to halt further hydropower construction. They are standing up for their own survival, to preserve their identity, their homeland. And we stand in solidarity with their demand for halting all future hydropower projects in this vulnerable Himalayan region which has been exploited well beyond its capacity. 


1. Bring an immediate halt to the survey and other activities of the 804 MW Jangi Thopan Powari project. Cancel all planned and allotted projects in Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh

2. Let the Sutlej river from Spiti to Powari; and Chenab river flow freely

3. Immediate and full implementation of the FRA 2006 and PESA 1996 in the Schedule V tribal districts of the state.

Sign this petition to request the Prime Minister of India, the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh and the Chairman of the Scheduled Tribe Commission to listen to our demands now! 


This appeal is issued by NoMeansNo Campaign Kinnaur and Lahaul Spiti Ekta Manch.

This appeal is endorsed by बरगी बांध विस्थापित एवं प्रभावित संघ मध्य प्रदेश; नदी घाटी समृध्दि मंच राष्ट्र स्तरीय मंच; अवैध खनन विरोधी संघर्ष समिति- नीमकाथाना राजस्थान; Yamuna Jiye Abhiyaan Delhi; South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People New Delhi; People's Campaign for Socio-Economic Equity Palampur; Pennurimai IyakkamTamil Nadu; North American Megadam Resistance AllianceNorth America; Nature conservancy Alliance Jammu and Kashmir; National Platform for Small Scale Fish WorkersWest Bengal; National Alliance of People's Movements India; Narmada Bachao Andolan Madhya Pradesh; Mool sustainability research and training center Ganderbal; Manthan Adhyayan Kendra Pune; Let India Breathe Mumbai; Kalpavriksh Pune; Himdhara Collective Himachal Pradesh; Himalayan students ensemble Shimla; Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India Pune; ENVIRONICS TRUST Delhi; Dam Watch International Canada / International; PAHAR Nainital, Uttarakhand; Mahila kisan adhikar manch, uttarakhand aur himalaya shetra New Delhi; Indian Cultural Heritage Research Delhi; Centre for Research and Advocacy Manipur; North-East Affected Area Development Society Assam; Peoples Movement for Subansiri and Brahmaputra Valley(PMSBV) Gogamukh; Tower line shoshit jagrukta manch Himachal Pradesh; Veditum India Foundation, Kolkata; Centre For Financial Accountability, New Delhi; Delhi Solidarity Group, New Delhi; Friends of the Earth India, New Delhi; Chennai Solidarity Group, Chennai

This monsoon, Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh witnessed a spate of catastrophic landslides that took the lives of tourists as well as local populace. Since then the local movement has gained momentum against relentless construction of hydropower projects that have contributed to and increased the disaster proneness of a region like Kinnaur.

The tribal inhabitants of Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh are demanding an immediate halt on hazardous hydropower dams in this fragile and over exploited region in the high Himalaya. This demand has also been echoed by the neighboring tribal trans-himalayan district of Lahaul & Spiti where a series of dam projects are proposed.  

The Problem:

The State of Himachal Pradesh has set up 10 large and 12 small hydropower projects amounting to an installed capacity of 3041 MW, along with 11 transmission lines in one of the most ecologically sensitive and geologically vulnerable regions of Himalaya, called Kinnaur. The unprecedented surface and underground construction has not just disturbed the rugged slopes but brought about irreversible land use changes in an earthquake and landslide prone zone, adversely impacting the lives and livelihood of the local Kinnaura indigenous community. 

The region has witnessed unprecedented deaths due to landslides and earthquakes. The houses and roads have developed cracks and are falling apart. A thriving local economy based on sale of apples and peas has been repeatedly disrupted due to frequent landslides choking the NH05. Underground springs are drying up and hundreds of hectares of diverse forests have been axed down for what is termed as production of 'clean energy'. These forests are not just sacred for the local people, with rare endangered flora and fauna, but are critical to maintain the ecological balance of a landscape which is arid, with sparse tree cover. 

What’s happening now?

The new spate of constructions are now planned in altitudes above 3000 metres going upto to the trans Himalayas, a region that is reeling under the impact of the climate crisis, with glacial melts, cloud bursts, avalanches and flash floods. More than 20 projects are in the pipeline even as 4 big hydro projects are still under construction. The fate of Kinnaur will be shared by the neighbouring trans Himalayan district of Lahaul-Spiti where more than 50 projects with a capacity of 3000 MW are planned on the Chenab River and its tributaries.

Now the tribal people are calling out this illegal and mindless destruction and saying #NoMeansNo. The gram sabhas of affected villages of proposed projects in Kinnaur have already passed resolutions to halt further hydropower construction. They are standing up for their own survival, to preserve their identity, their homeland. And we stand in solidarity with their demand for halting all future hydropower projects in this vulnerable Himalayan region which has been exploited well beyond its capacity. 


1. Bring an immediate halt to the survey and other activities of the 804 MW Jangi Thopan Powari project. Cancel all planned and allotted projects in Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh

2. Let the Sutlej river from Spiti to Powari; and Chenab river flow freely

3. Immediate and full implementation of the FRA 2006 and PESA 1996 in the Schedule V tribal districts of the state.

Sign this petition to request the Prime Minister of India, the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh and the Chairman of the Scheduled Tribe Commission to listen to our demands now! 


This appeal is issued by NoMeansNo Campaign Kinnaur and Lahaul Spiti Ekta Manch.

This appeal is endorsed by बरगी बांध विस्थापित एवं प्रभावित संघ मध्य प्रदेश; नदी घाटी समृध्दि मंच राष्ट्र स्तरीय मंच; अवैध खनन विरोधी संघर्ष समिति- नीमकाथाना राजस्थान; Yamuna Jiye Abhiyaan Delhi; South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People New Delhi; People's Campaign for Socio-Economic Equity Palampur; Pennurimai IyakkamTamil Nadu; North American Megadam Resistance AllianceNorth America; Nature conservancy Alliance Jammu and Kashmir; National Platform for Small Scale Fish WorkersWest Bengal; National Alliance of People's Movements India; Narmada Bachao Andolan Madhya Pradesh; Mool sustainability research and training center Ganderbal; Manthan Adhyayan Kendra Pune; Let India Breathe Mumbai; Kalpavriksh Pune; Himdhara Collective Himachal Pradesh; Himalayan students ensemble Shimla; Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India Pune; ENVIRONICS TRUST Delhi; Dam Watch International Canada / International; PAHAR Nainital, Uttarakhand; Mahila kisan adhikar manch, uttarakhand aur himalaya shetra New Delhi; Indian Cultural Heritage Research Delhi; Centre for Research and Advocacy Manipur; North-East Affected Area Development Society Assam; Peoples Movement for Subansiri and Brahmaputra Valley(PMSBV) Gogamukh; Tower line shoshit jagrukta manch Himachal Pradesh; Veditum India Foundation, Kolkata; Centre For Financial Accountability, New Delhi; Delhi Solidarity Group, New Delhi; Friends of the Earth India, New Delhi; Chennai Solidarity Group, Chennai

2,451 of 5,000 signatures

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