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To Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Over 8,52,000 trees will be felled in the Great Nicobar Islands for a massive development  project. 

This Rs. 750 billion project will involve a container terminal, an airport, a township, and a power plant. 

This mega project will adversely affect the rainforests, wildlife including species such as leatherback turtles, saltwater crocodiles, Nicobar crab-eating macaque and migratory birds and vulnerable tribal groups on the island. Also, this project will irreversibly change the demography of the area since it will be built on an active seismic zone. 

Wildlife experts, conservationists, civil society organizations have pointed out several loopholes in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. 

This mega project must be re-evaluated. Join us in urging the government to do so. 

The next time you visit these islands, they may look very different. Join the campaign now to help save our beautiful islands. 





To Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Over 8,52,000 trees will be felled in the Great Nicobar Islands for a massive development  project. 

This Rs. 750 billion project will involve a container terminal, an airport, a township, and a power plant. 

This mega project will adversely affect the rainforests, wildlife including species such as leatherback turtles, saltwater crocodiles, Nicobar crab-eating macaque and migratory birds and vulnerable tribal groups on the island. Also, this project will irreversibly change the demography of the area since it will be built on an active seismic zone. 

Wildlife experts, conservationists, civil society organizations have pointed out several loopholes in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. 

This mega project must be re-evaluated. Join us in urging the government to do so. 

The next time you visit these islands, they may look very different. Join the campaign now to help save our beautiful islands. 





6,920 of 10,000 signatures

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